
Official Website:


Czech Republic, Europe

Details for support Bhikkhunī Visuddhi and projects and activities of the Association Karuṇā Sevena:

Bank Account number:
IBAN: CZ6755000000006855804001

Please state in the purpose of payment "For Association Karuṇā Sevena" in all cases to avoid taxation of your donation in the Czech Republic. If you want to state specific purpose, such as for Bh. Visuddhi, send us an email.

- to cover her basic needs as robes, food, medicine and dwelling (it is necessary to cover also transport, accommodation, insurance, electricity, heating, water etc.). It is not possible to deduct this financial gift for tax purposes.

- for offerings towards book distribution, building of the meditation hall, furnishings and equipment of the āvāsa (monastic) residence KS etc. It is possible to deduct this financial gift from the income for taxation. It is important to clearly state the purpose of the gift.
Another option to donate Association Karuṇā Sevena is to use PayPal. Click on this button below:
Contact for support of the charitable project of Suriya Lamai:

Bank Account number:
IBAN: CZ4955000000006855679001

The intention of the Suriya Lamai project "Children of the Sun" is to enable children from poor families to grow and educate themselves and to provide them with their basic necessities and cover their basic living needs. It is possible to deduct this financial gift from the income for taxation.