Dear friends,
The summer holiday is over and plans for the new school year are ahead of us, together with its duties and worries of everyday life. Venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi is in meditation seclusion during the vassa (3 month meditation period for monastics) till the end of October, and she sends warm greetings to all of you. Please, write your questions or comments as soon as the vassa ends.
The programme of venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi for the next six months, news about ārāma Karuṇā Sevena.
This year during the vassa, the ārāma (monastic dwelling) was opened to lay practitioners too, and some of you already made use of this opportunity and came here to practice with venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi. We are happy that you take care of venerable and provide her with dāna (gifts/offerings and food) and thus make her life in the Czech Republic in heart of Europe possible. As we already informed you in the summer on the matter, the support is scarce and the situation is getting serious and we are afraid that if this does not change soon enough, venerable would not be able to abide and practice here. And we really would not want this to happen. If you cannot come to ārāma in person and you would like to provide dāna for a few days, two weeks or even one month, please send your donation (whatever amount you see a fit) to this bank account: 6855804001/5500. Contact us via this email:
We are currently preparing a new website which should be clearer, but also easier to browse on your mobiles and tablets. Our venerable bhikkhunī Visuddhi now has less (construction and building) work in ārāma so we can look forward to more translations and to more Dhamma lessons. During the last visit of bhante Vinīta, they both agreed to continue with the's translation of Majjima Nikaya to Czech. There is also a ready-made book by Bhante Pemasiri's Walking the Tightrope and Daily Chanting. If you would like to support the release of these books and their printing, please send us the note "Book Printing" to our account: 6855804001/5500
Here is the program of bhikkhunī Visuddhi and her activities in ārāma by the end of 2017:
7.10. - Dhamma talks for the public - The talks will take place every second Saturday from 6pm on specific topics that arise from meditation practice and from everyday life. There is possibility to come and meditate for the whole weekend.
13.- 15.10 - Mettā Weekend at the Lotus Center - Just like every year this spring and autumn, bhikkhunī Visuddhi is going to teach mettā meditation in Prague for both beginners and advanced students. The course starts on Friday at 7pm and ends on Sunday at 2pm.
3.11 - a public Dhamma talk by bhante Sīlavaṇsa - the bhante Sīlavaṇsa is a respected Sri Lanka monk, disciple of the bhante Pemasiri thera, who has lived in Vienna for 35 years, and founded a center for the study and practice of Dhamma. Venerable Sīlavaṇsa promised us an evening lecture before the Kaṭhina celebration. It starts at 6pm.
3. -5.11 - Kaṭhina Celebration – The Kaṭhina is the second most important Buddhist feastival in theravāda tradition right after Vesākha. It takes place every four weeks after the end of the vassa (rainy season).
9. - 12.11. Autumn meditation extended weekend for beginners and newcomers, with the instruction of meditation satipaṭṭhāna and mettā. For the subsequent long-term stay in ārāma it is necessary to attend this course, which takes place annually in the spring and autumn. The start will be Thursday at 7pm.
15.11. - 15.12. Bhikkhunī Visuddhi visit Sri Lanka - after a nearly three-year break, the venerable bhikkhunī visit again Sri Lanka and her monastic Saṅgha. Most of the time she will stays in the center of bhante Pemasiri.
29.12. - 7.1. 10-day New Year meditation retreat - for all who would like to spend the beginning of the New Year by meditating and in seclusion, it is possible to come to our ārāma and meditate under bhikkhunī Visuddhi guidance. The course is not only for beginners but also for advanced students. Is possible to attend the course also for shorter time.
For those who are interested in individual courses, please log into our email address:
We wish you a successful start in the school year, and we are looking forward to see you in our activities.

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