We would like to cordially invite you to a public Dhamma talk of Ven. Dr. Wijayarajapura Sīlavaṇsa mahāthera.
Venerable Bhante Sīlavaṇsa is a respected Sri Lankan monk, a disciple of Loku Hamuduruwo - bhante Pemasiri mahāthera. Bhante Sīlavaṇsa has been living in Austria for 35 years; he received his Doctor Degree of philosophy in 1992 at the University of Vienna and founded the Dhammazentrum Nyanaponika http://www.dhammazentrum.at/lehrer/.
Bhante teaches Dhamma in multiple European countries, and also he regularly travels back to Sri Lanka where he is devoted to charitable work. Venerable Sīlavaṇsa accepted an invitation of Karuna Sevena and he will commence the Kaṭhina celebration with an evening Dhamma talk. It starts at 6pm on 3th November 2017.
We are looking forward to see you.
Karuna Sevena

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